It’s been one of the most ‘wintry’ Springs on record in many parts of Canada and the USA, and that has resulted in some ski areas extending there ski seasons by several weeks, in some cases in to May.
In the past week there was first heavy snowfall in states like Colorado and Utah, with up to 40cm reported and resulting in Winter Park extending their season to May 6th.
Then the Midwest got hit with record amounts of April snowfall, with up to 80cm of snowfall in 72 hours. Several resorts extended their seasons and as most had already closed a few re-opened saying April conditions were better than they had been in January.
Sending it into the weekend on the XL Line! #justlakeit #lakelouiseterrainpark @lakelouiseterrainpark @kingsnowmag
Posted by The Lake Louise Ski Resort & Summer Gondola on Friday, 13 April 2018
The East Coast got the snow most recently with Jay Peak in Vermont reporting about 18cm of fresh snow this week and it and Sugarbush have said they’ll stay open to May 6th, others may follow.
North of the border there’s been more fresh snow around Banff where sunshine has another 4 weeks of its season to run and Mont Sutton in Quebec reports great conditions too and has announced an extension to May 6th as well. Many of these areas are just open weekends now.