

Debbie Gabriel

08 Dec 24

Get ‘Ski Strong’ with Aimee Fuller

Debbie Gabriel

08 Dec 24

In this edition of SKI FIT, we look at strength training to get ‘ski strong’ with Aimee Fuller and how we can prepare our bodies for the mountain. Enough of the summer beach body… for us mountaingoers, it’s all about the WINTER BODY. Strength and conditioning was always a huge part of my routine as a former Olympic snowboarder, and by building strength we can unlock the doors to increased performance.

We underestimate the forces going through our joints on the mountain, and its all about developing strength in range, as well as building a strong skeleton to prevent injury and enhance performance. If you imagine our skeletons, we want them to be strong and engaged so our muscles wrap around or bones, to keep everything in place and firing so we can take full advantage of each time we step onto snow.

In this series of snow tips, we’ll explore building our glutes, focusing on balance, opening up our hips, fortifying our core and developing strength in our quads and hamstrings.

Step-Back Lunge

Get ‘Ski Strong’ with Aimee Fuller

Starting with both feet together, equal weight in both hands, core strong, step back with the right leg to find a stretch in the hips as you lunge backwards and down into the single leg. This is the full range of the movement. Drive up through the calf, quad and glute back to the centre, so both feet meet at the top and repeat.

Its important to develop single leg strength, to help unify and balance our muscles in both legs as we often have a dominant side. This is great for hip stabilisation too, as when we are on the mountain riding ever-changing terrain, our pelvis moves through an advanced range of motion.

Single-Leg RDL

Get ‘Ski Strong’ with Aimee Fuller

Begin with both feet together, holding the weight in the opposite hand to your standing leg. Ground down through the standing leg and hinge at the hips, driving the chest forward while bringing your belly button towards your spine (core strong). Allow the free leg to lift behind you to create a standing T shape. Return to standing by engaging your glutes and hamstrings. Repeat on the same side 6-10 times and repeat on the other side.

This is a fantastic exercise for building glute strength, balance and firing up and engaging the hamstrings. Hamstring strength is incredibly important for injury prevention as well as generating power in our turns.

Cossack Squat

Get ‘Ski Strong’ with Aimee Fuller

This one’s all about developing strength in range and putting both flexibility and strength to the test. Starting with your feet wider than hip-width apart, engage your core by drawing your belly button towards your spine, using a weight, dumbbell, kettlebell or even a can of beans. Bend your right knee and sit into your glutes as you externally rotate the straight leg so that the toes point up, finding range and elongation through the Achilles as you sit down into your heel. The motion is like moving through the range of a squat but going past it. Hold for 1 or 2 seconds, then drive back through the active leg to return to the central point before switching sides. Aim for 8-10 reps on each side and repeat 3 times.

This is one of the ultimate lower-body exercises, the transition from side to side requiring oblique engagement, hip adductors, glutes, quads and hamstrings, all while developing flexibility and stretching out the calves and hips!

Curtsey Lunge

Get ‘Ski Strong’ with Aimee Fuller

Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, 2 dumbbells in each hand. Posture is key here, so engage your core by bringing your belly button to your spine, keeping your chest and back straight, and move the right foot back and around as if you are doing a curtsey to a 90-degree angle as you step back. Drive back up through both legs and swap sides.

This is a fantastic exercise for hip stabilisation. Just make sure your knee aligns with the front knee and dont let it overshoot. For strength and endurance on the mountain, aim for 8-12 reps on each side.

Banded Glute Bridge

Get ‘Ski Strong’ with Aimee Fuller

Start off by lying on your back and place a resistance band above your knees that is suitable for your strength. Draw your belly button towards your spine, your heels placed firmly on the mat with the knees bent so your fingertips can touch your heels, and drive up through the glutes, peeling the spine gently off the mat before reaching the full range, making sure to drive the knees out against the band at the top and maintain that same engagement through the glutes, the pelvis and the tension on the band as you gently lower the spine vertebrae by vertebrae before resetting. Aim for 8-10 repetitions to build stability, fire up the hamstrings and strengthen the core and glutes.

Side Plank

Get ‘Ski Strong’ with Aimee Fuller

Start in a traditional plank position with the option to support yourself on your elbows, or with your palms flat on the ground. Pull the belly button into the spine, which requires total body engagement. Making sure the torso is stacked with the feet, start on the right-side elbow hold for 30 seconds to 90, repeating on each side. This exercise helps with shoulder stability and core while firing up the glutes, and it’s fantastic at helping with injury prevention before you hit the mountain.

Follow Aimee @aimee_fuller

Aimee Fuller Ski Fit with Yoga

Strength Training with Aimee Fuller