There have been some huge snowfalls in Austria as 2017 draws to a close, building on one of the snowiest starts to the season this century.
Bases have now reached up to 3.6m (12 feet) at the top of the Kitzsteinhorn glacier with ski areas reporting up to 96cm (three feet, three inches) of fresh snow over the past few days, much of that falling on December 28th.
Hochfügen – auch bei schlechtem Wetter unschlagbar
❄ ❄ Es hat 20-30 cm runtergehauen! ❄ ❄ Damit jeder checkt was in Hochfügen bei Neuschnee abgeht… zieht euch das rein!!! Hochfügen meets Puresurfcamps
Posted by Hochfügen on Wednesday, 27 December 2017
More big snowfalls are forecast for the final weekend of the year, particularly Saturday, 30th December 2017.
The snow depths are great for this early in the season but the really good news is that they’re pretty much universal across Austria meaning there are excellent conditions pretty much everywhere across the country.
❄❄❄❄ Danke Frau Holle für den Nachschub! ❄❄❄❄ #obertauern #loveobertauern #wirsindschnee
Posted by Ski am Obertauern on Thursday, 28 December 2017
The snow has arrived with other weather features including strong winds at times though which can cause opening issues at times.
Off piste avalanche danger is high however, but most areas have left some runs ungroomed for safer freeriding.
Tiefschnee-Spaß in St. Johann in Tirol! Ab auf die Piste, morgen ist die Sonne da!
Posted by SkiStar St. Johann on Thursday, 28 December 2017