Snowy Owl Chair Lecht 16 Jan 2016



Patrick Thorne

13 Nov 17

Scottish Ski Centres Increase Efforts To Provide Snow This Winter

Patrick Thorne

13 Nov 17

Three Scottish ski centres will now operate TechnoAlpin SnowFactory all-weather snowmaking machines at various times this winter.

The Scottish ski centres of CairnGorm Mountain and Glencoe Mountain had already announced their plans to use the machines which can produce snow regardless of the outdoor temperature in their large articulated units for spreading on a limited areas surrounding the machine.  Now it has been announced that The Lecht will also trial a machine next February and March.

The machine will guarantee snow on the nursery and Osprey slopes during the school mid-term holiday and in the run-up to Easter. The trial will be operated by The Lecht Ski Company with funding provided by Highlands and Islands Enterprise and will also allow a groomed cross-country trail to be provided.

The Lecht will also use their wind turbine to provide the electricity the unit requires to run.

A fourth Scottish area, Nevis Range near Fort William, is trying a different approach installing a new type of snow fencing on most of the lower mountain. Stronger and taller than the fences it replaces, this is expected to catch 50% more snow.