Can’t afford to go skiing this year? Here are five top tips to save big and pay less to go skiing – against the usual holiday cost:
1 – Travel low season.
Visiting ski resorts before Christmas or after Easter can be risky for snow cover, so it’s best to choose a high-altitude resort or one with a glacier if you do. But on the upside, you’ll find you have the resort to yourself, and prices across the board from accommodation to food, and often your lift pass, cost much less than in the main season. January, after New Year, is usually low season too, and March, up to the Easter holidays, is normally cheaper as well.
2 – Go to a resort that’s not well known.
Most Brits go to the same few dozen world-famous resorts each year and pay the price in terms of expensive lift passes and high in-resort costs. But there are literally thousands of resorts in Europe, and while you can now pay€300 (around£266) for a six-day lift pass at some of the top names, perfectly good ski areas will charge you half that for your week’s ski fix.
3 – Book in advance.
Book your lift pass and your rental equipment online in advance, and keep an eye out for social media and other promotions from the resort you choose to go to. Many now offer 10–50% off if you book in this way.
4 – Book an apartment.
Not only are apartments far cheaper when there are four or six of you dividing the cost, but you can also make your own meals and keep your drink in your own fridge, saving a fortune on eating out. If you do travel pre-Christmas or after Easter, look out for deals like“a free lift pass with your apartment”(or sometimes a free apartment with your lift pass!).
5 – Travel by road.
The cheapest way to get to the mountains is almost always by road. If there are a group of you, fill a car; if you’re on your own or a couple, the bus might be the cheaper option. Even if you can get cheap flights, the add-on costs for getting to and from the airport to your resort usually bump up the cost, and if you have a car, you can fill it with food and drink from home or bought at the supermarket on the way and save a lot on food and drink in resort too.
So now you know how to pay less to go skiing, what are you waiting for?! Take a look at our resort guide here and start planning your next winter getaway!