Snowsport Week For English Schools This April CREDIT TheSnowCentre



Patrick Thorne

28 Mar 16

New Snow Garden At The Snow Centre

Patrick Thorne

28 Mar 16

The Snow Centre indoor snow centre in Hemel Hempstead, north of London, has built a brand new Snow Garden specifically tailored to children aged 2 – 5 years, to experience the magic of snow at the base of the 160m Main Slope.

It costs £4.50 per child for 30 minutes playing in the Snow Garden with fun features including a mini snow slide.  Children’s helmets are included in the price and adults, who must accompany children with a maximum of two children per adult, go free.

For children aged 4 up, The Snow Centre is also offering skiing or snowboarding courses for all ability levels over the Easter holidays.  Juniors aged 4 – 6 years can take to the slopes for 2 x 1 Hour Lessons for j£59 whilst those aged 7 – 16 years can book in for 2 x 2 hour lessons for £110 on Monday 4th and Tuesday 5th April or Wednesday 6th and Thursday 7th April.

New Snow Garden At The Snow Centre

The centre’s Alpine Ski School is also back offering Green, Blue or Red level tuition based on previous experience.  Starting with a traditional ski school ‘ski off’ juniors will be entered into a group appropriate to their level with 4 – 10 years olds getting two hours for £55 or 11 – 16 years old three  hours for £79, with a half way break for refreshments which are included before heading back out onto the snow.  The courses run on 29th – 31st March and any of 11th/12th/14th April

Finally, the Snow Centre will be running a Bumps weekend on 23rd/24th April and a Slalom Weekend on 16th/17th April – both offering free coaching with a purchased lift pass.

New Snow Garden At The Snow Centre