Lovely sunny weather at Kitzbuhel in recent days, and temperatures mainly sub-zero, although creeping up above freezing down in the valley in the daytime – well it is nearly April.
The snow is still lying nearly three feet deep (84cm) even on lower slopes though, with 150cm on upper runs – some of which are scheduled to stay open in to May, so it’s looking good for Easter.
Wer kann sollte rauf auf den Berg….
Traumhaft am Kitzbüheler Horn – perfekte Pisten, Sonnenschein und viel Platz zum Carven….. #kitzski #kitzbuehel #kitzbühel
Posted by Kitzbühel – Tirol on Thursday, 22 March 2018
Virtually all lifts continue to operate and 99% of trails are open too.
It’s looking like more changeable weather in the week ahead with some fresh snow forecast, although so far, not a lot.