Iglu Ski Disability Snowsports



Patrick Thorne

31 Aug 24

Iglu Ski Raises Funds for Disability Snowsports by 25%

Patrick Thorne

31 Aug 24

Ski holiday travel agency Iglu Ski will continue to fundraise for Disability Snowsport UK (DSUK) over the coming season, “to open skiing to everyone,” a company spokesperson said.

After raising almost £4,000 last winter, Iglu Ski aims to increase year on year funding by 25%  to reach a season target of £5,000 this coming winter.

Earlier this month a team from Iglu Ski were there to assist at the Superheroes Triathlon, sponsored by Marvel, and raised more than £2,500 in the process.

Hannah Tomsett, 34 from Berkshire, Sarah Henley, 49 from London and Lindsay Court, 45 from Windsor have neurological and autoimmune conditions, Cerebral Palsy and Multiple Sclerosis respectively.

The women, who ski together regularly at The Snow Centre in Hemel Hempstead, combined their superpowers to tackle a 400m swim, 10km cycle, and 2.5km run – with each of them taking on a separate leg, supported by their sidekicks.

The event is set to feature on Channel 4 on Sunday September 15th at 8:45am, with Clare Balding presenting the show.  She’s pictured top with Sarah, along with Iglu Ski’s Louise Newton.

“We dream of inviting everyone to ski, whatever their disability, injury, or experience. It was so inspiring to see the Disability Snowsport UK fundraisers complete at the recent Superhero Triathlon at Dorney Lake – home to the rowing events in the 2012 Olympics,” said Iglu Ski MD, Simon McIntyre adding, “It just goes to show that anything is possible! All our guests will be invited to donate to DSUK at time of booking. Over the winter, the Iglu staff team will also undertake fundraising activities. We’re hoping to field another runner or runners in the London Marathon in 2025 for example, for the third year running, in aid of DSUK.”


#TeamDSUK 10k for £10k challenge – Take Part – To take part in the #TeamDSUK 10k for £10k challenge or to learn more about Disability Snowsport UK visit :  www.disabilitysnowsport.org.uk/events/10k-for-10k 

To make a donation to the campaign visit: https://www.justgiving.com/campaign/10kfor10k