


Patrick Thorne

06 Jul 13

Former Pope’s Ski Jacket To Become Holy Relic

Patrick Thorne

06 Jul 13

The news that Pope John Paul II is to be made a saint has implications for those who own the former pontiff’s personal property, including a US high school where  Pope John Paul II’s ski jacket is on display.

The ski jacket will now become a holy relic (second class) in the eyes of the church.  A second class relic is normally something a saint owned in their life time, a first class relic is normally part of the physical body of the saint.

Pope John Paul II was a keen skier and fan of the mountains and donated his old ski jacket during his life time to a Roman Catholic Church school which bears his name in Tennessee after they asked for a personal memento.

Pope John Paul II, who died in 2005, is being made a saint after several miracles were attributed to him after people praying to him were cured of serious illnesses.  He is likely to be made a saint by the end of the year at which point his ski jacket will instantly become a holy relic.