An English Language edition of the definitive guide to the world’s 100 largest ski areas has been published for the first time in two years.
Fully updated and with expanded content sections since the previous English language edition was published in 2016, “The World’s 100 Largest Ski Areas” for the 2017/18 season goes in to incredible detail about ski area statistics.
It is the work of world-skiing expert, writer and cartographer Christoph Schrahe (pictured), who caused consternation at ski resorts across Europe in 2015 when his accurate measurements of ski area sizes showed that many were exaggerating just how many kilometres of piste they had. Some areas gave explanations such as that they measured a zig zag route down a slope or measured wide pistes three times to come up with their numbers.
Mr Schrahe has since set up a business to officially certify the accuracy of ski areas claimed dimensions.
The new 52 page report which, updated and expanded for the 2017/18 season, includes lists of the 100 largest ski areas with regard to the vertical transport capacity, length of the runs in kilometres, extent in square kilometres, vertical drop, longest runs and also the skier visits.
The report (also available in German) is based on detailed measurements and an analysis of data on more than 10,000 lifts worldwide. A ranking of the world’s highest ski resorts has also been added. Also new is a ranking of the world’s top 50 resorts with regard to skiable area in hectares.
“The conclusion of the report provides an interesting comparison of key figures on the basis of the data presented: transport capacity per hectare of skiable area, runs per square kilometre or skier visits per 1 million vertical transport meters are just a few,” says Mr Schrahe.
The full report can be ordered by sending an e-mail to [email protected]. The price is 99 Euros.