What started this ball rolling? An article about the possible loss of one of the most authentic mountain villages in the world: La Grave.
Deep in the Southern French Alps lies the 12th century village of La Grave. A world renowned outdoor Valhalla with a unique atmosphere. The lift that makes the community thrive is about to be taken over by a large corporation that wants to engulf this authentic ski village.
For decades La Grave has been a paradise for free riding, cycling, mountaineering and for those who live there. The beauty of this place strikes any visitor right in the heart. Inhabitants and mountaineers feel part of a very unique community of people, intrinsically connected with the alpine surroundings.
This very special balance between man and nature is at risk however!
The lift that makes this community thrive is due for a new lease. The lurking danger is that large corporations will bid for the contract and will engulf this authentic ski village.
A crowdfunding campaign called Signal de La Grave has been launched by a panel of mountains guides, business owners and locals to preserve La Grave much as it is, protect the authenticity of this magnificent alpine village. Signal de La Grave believes that La Grave belongs to the community. Without the lift there is no community and without this community there is no lift. The aim of the campaign is to take matters in hand and to do justice to this place.
Full details within: https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/signal-de-la-grave-environment#/